Teddy Zane Zane7 Scarified Reptile Reviews 5

The finish is something that needs to be seen not explained but I shall do my best. It is a Lizard of some sort skin and all that has been cut around its edges and bleeding. It has half of a leather pick guard( AWESOME) Gold Original Floyd Rose with Black and Gold hrdwr. slots for mid and nk pups but empty like an EVH. I can honestly say I have never played such an amazing instrument. The sh-12 Duncan bridge is unreal against an alder body. Rosewood finger with the thinnest maple neck Ive ever played. Ive been playing a long time. I started with Kramer guitars back in the 80's. This guitar kinda reminds me of the 88 bretta. It has the same look and feel, close to it. I am a teddy zane fan for life . I cant put this thing down. I will be uploading youtube videos soon so stay tuned.

I got the guitar off evil bay. It was $800 and worth every penny. Its a USA custom shop order. Theres no way by todays prices you can get an american guitar worth playing for under 1500 bucks. this guitar was under the going price , but its worth more. Im still tweekin my rig but this guitar is now my road warrior.

I like every detail , Floyd is Original not lic. Seymour Duncan bridge demon. Crossbones neck.

I wish it had a neck humbucker but thats it.

its solid. its been on the road now for 2 wks and is kickin serious ass.

its as unique a guitar as ever. im the guy that wants to stand out both in looks and playing, just like vai satch and all the greats! this guitar allows me to soar.

vinnie kendall rated this unit 5 on 2009-08-29.

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